Customer Service (SAC)
Chubb Seguros Brasil S.A.
Questions| Claims | Requests | Complaints
0800 722 4825
Hearing or Speech Impairment
0800 722 5112 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).
For more information about Chubb Seguros Brasil, visit the website
Chubb Insurance BrasilChubb. Insured.™
This insurance is guaranteed by Chubb Seguros Brasil S.A. – CNPJ: 03.502.099/0001-18, SUSEP Code: 0651-3 Representative: WORLD EXPERIENCES SEGUROS DE VIAGEM BRASIL LTDA - CNPJ 221.346.969/0001-99 The insurance premium contains remuneration from 24.91% to the representative, which corresponds to an initial value of R$14.79. These amounts vary according to the contracted plan.
Customer Service Center (SAC): 0800 722 4825.
Ombudsman: 0800 722 5059 or Hearing or Speech Impairment 0800 724 5084
Suspected Fraud: 0800 770 8135 or
USEP Process No.: 15414.900439/2015-34
See general terms and conditions at:
The registration of this plan with SUSEP does not imply, on the part of the Autarchy, an incentive or recommendation for its sale.
In compliance with Law 12,741/12, we inform that the rates of 0.65% of PIS/Pasep and 4% of COFINS are applied on insurance premiums, deducted as established in specific legislation. Please note, that the IOF is informed on the insurance ticket.